Mixed Media + Collage Experiment in Blackness (Detail), 2018, 29''x42''; Wood, Spray Paint, Duct Tape, Grip Tape, Black Caulk; $350 Sci-Fi Masonry, 2019, 43''x51''x5''; Cardboard, Duct Tape, Wood Glue; $350 My George & The Dragon, 2019, 39''x41''; Acrylic, Marker, Oil pastel, Foam on Paper Drop-Cloth; Sold Bead Experiment, 2022, 5''x7''; Modeling Paste, Acrylics, Glass Beads, Marbles, Plastic Beads on Canvas; Sold Sci-Fi Masonry (Detail), 2019, 43''x51''x5''; Cardboard, Duct Tape, Wood Glue; $350 Experiment in Blackness, 2018, 29''x42''; Wood, Spray Paint, Duct Tape, Grip Tape, Black Caulk; $350 Experiment in Transparency, 2019, 16''x20''; Clear Caulk, Clear Glue, Plastic Wrap; $75 Saran Wrapped Matisse, 2019, 35''x46''; Foam, Scotch Tape, Packing Tape, Plastic Wrap on Cardboard; Status Unknown Pillow Experiment, 2018, 18''x24''; Pillow Stapled to Canvas; $50 Lighthearted Industry, 2018, 36''x48''; Oil Paint, Food Packaging Material, Metal Mesh, Electrical Chords, Paper on canvas; Status Unknown Experiment in Blackness, 2018, 29''x42''; Wood, Spray Paint, Duct Tape, Grip Tape, Black Caulk; $350 Experiment in Transparency (With Toys) (Detail), 2017, 16''x20''; $125 Experiment in Transparency (With Toys), 2017, 16''x20''; $125 Victorio Peak Treasure, 2017, 56''x83''; Acrylics, Construction Paper, Oil Pastels, Collage on Paper; $250 Small Untitled Collage, 2017, 5''x9''; Cut Magazines on Paper; Status Unknown Potential Album Cover for Band Called Sky Mall, 2017, 8''x8''; Status Unknown Cartoon Strip Collage, 2017, 5''x9''; Cut Newspaper on Paper; Status Unknown Potential Album Cover for Band Called Comics, 2017, 7''x7''; Cut Newspaper on Paper; Status Unknown You'll Find It Everywhere, 2017, 18''x24''; Cut Magazines, Aluminum Foil, Contact Paper on Cardboard; $100 Knight's Meow, 2017, 18''x24''; Construction Paper, Marker, Acrylics; Sold Knights of Transparency, 2016, Marker, Construction Paper, Tape, Cardboard, Foam, Rocks, Plastic Jewels on Flourescent Light Cover; Destroyed Knights of Transparency (Detail), 2016, Marker, Construction Paper, Tape, Cardboard, Foam, Rocks, Plastic Jewels on Flourescent Light Cover; Destroyed Knights of Transparency (Detail), 2016, Marker, Construction Paper, Tape, Cardboard, Foam, Rocks, Plastic Jewels on Flourescent Light Cover; Destroyed Experiments With Latex, 2016, 36''x48''; Latex, Foam, Graphite, Wooden Blocks, Black Rubber Flakes, Tape on Cardboard; Destroyed Experiments With Latex (Alternate View), 2016, 36''x48''; Latex, Foam, Graphite, Wooden Blocks, Black Rubber Flakes, Tape on Cardboard; Destroyed Experiments With Latex (Alternate View), 2016, 36''x48''; Latex, Foam, Graphite, Wooden Blocks, Black Rubber Flakes, Tape on Cardboard; Destroyed Religious Experience in the Chrome Desert, 2016, 33''x42''; Construction Paper, Markers, Duct Tape; $200 Spongebob, 2016, 48''x56''; Construction Paper, Charcoal, Oil Pastels, Markers; $350 Apocalyptic Vision, 2016, 32''x52''; Lincoln Logs & Accessories, Plastic Army Men, Construction Paper, Duct Tape on Cardboard; $300 Horse of Jewels, 2016, 22''x28''; Construction Paper, Scotch Tape on Poster Board; $300 Mixed Media Experiment (Experiment in the Healing Arts), 2016, 16''x20''; Band Aids, Cut Cardstock, Q-Tips on Canvas; $150 Windows Desktop, 2016, 40''x62''; Construction Paper on Cardboard; $375 (Recreation on Paper) Dream House, 2015, 42''x53''; Egg Cartons, Cut Newspaper, Construction Paper, Artificial Vines, Wooden Dowels, Glass Beads on Cardboard; Destroyed Cosmic Billboard for Used Card Lots, 2015, 43''x59''; Cut Magazines, Construction Paper, Aluminum Foil; $275 Summer Vacation, 2015, 22''x28''; Construction Paper, Film Photographs, Sea Shells on Foam Core; Sold Walking to the Grocery Store in Southern California, 2015, 48''x67''; Shopping Bags, Construction Paper, Oil Pastels, Markers, Tape; $275 Milhouse, 2015, 26''x38''; Oil Pastels, Marker, Construction Paper; $250 Mesa Verde, 2015, 23''x25''; Construction Paper, Oil Pastel, Cut Photos; $125 Photographing Southern California Real Estate, 2015, 24''x39''; Construction Paper, Markers, Oil Pastels, Mixed Media; $185 Photographing Southern California Real Estate (Detail), 2015, 24''x39''; Construction Paper, Markers, Oil Pastels, Mixed Media; $185 Cool White Nights of History, 2015, 20''x22''; Construction Paper, Spraypaint, Ball Point Pen; $150 Truly Whacked-Out Landscape, 2015, 18''x24''; Construction Paper; $175 Third Eye Diaries Press Relase Collage, 2014, 18''x24''; Cut Paper; $175 Thinkin' 'Bout Pants, Need Some Pants, 2014, 23''x26''; Markers, Graphite, Oil Pastels, Sticky Notes, Cut Magazines on Notebook Paper; Status Unknown